Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mountain Festival Weekend

The wagon was a hit with all the cousins and friends at the parade, Benajamin loved the parade except for the big rig trucks and there horns, he was a little upset, but after some lovin's he was good.
I was so excited to see Tonya and her little girl Kayden she was so big and cute it had been a while!!
This was the coolest car on three wheels that I have seen!!
Chris we thought of you with the bike, here is a classic!!
And of course Mountain Festival would not be complete without the little cars and big men!! We had a fun crowd sitting with us that made the Parade worth while!!


Chris said...

Heck yeah, that Western Flyer is killer! GOod condition, probably 50's bike. Nice!

Amy said...

Heck yes, the parade was wicked fun! See you soon I hope! I'm impressed you blogged mtn fest before me! Nice job!

Lora Lovell said...

Wow! I forgot about the Mt.Festival...good times! How is everything going with the pregnancy? Hope you guys are doing good!