Monday, March 31, 2008


He had alot of fun hunting for eggs, he would see one go pick it up, then see another toss the one in his hand and get the other one, he finally settled on the two blue hard boiled eggs, it was alot of fun watching him!!!

My Babies

We were hangin out on the couch the other night, me and my babies, yes we are expecting number two!!! We are thrilled!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


We went to Pismo last Friday, and Benjamin went nuts with the birds, he started chasing them and giggling all at the same time. We tried feeding the birds but when we gave him popcorn to throw he ate it!!! What a cute little guy!!

Park Day

We enjoy going to the park after nap time!!! He actually enjoys playing with the wood chips more then the slide or the other toys, it's pretty cute!!