He has been making the funniest faces lately and giving the biggest cheesy smiles. They are so cute with all of his teeth hanging out. He now has eight teeth, four on top and four on bottom. More teeth equals more food it seems like!!
Now this is what a sack of Benjamin looks like. He got rolled into a burrito after bathtime. He stayed like that for about 10 min. He was all snuggly!!
Im a sucker, Benjamin's toy went on clearance at Target today, so I got it and thinking I was going to save it for 3 weeks, not likely. So I suckered in and let him play with it. He loves it, the prop spins and sings with lights. I got me a real pilot baby!!!
Have you ever seen those movies where they open there closets and everything falls out, well its not just in movies!!! We have one and I had to dive in and get the luggage one day and Benjamin wanted to go in also!!